Global Stem Cells Group to Hold Intensive, Two-day Training Course on Stem Cell Harvesting, Isolation and Re-integration Sept. 27 and 28 Following International Symposium
Global Stem Cells Group announced plans to hold a two-day, hands-on intensive stem cell training course at the Servet Clinic following the First International Symposium on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine in Santiago Chile, Sept. 26, 27 and 28, 2014.
Global Stem Cells Group, its subsidiary Stem Cell Training, Inc. and Bioheart, Inc. have announced plans to conduct a two-day, hands-on intensive stem cell training course at the Servet CordónVida Clinic Sept. 27 and 28 in Santiago, Chile. The “Adipose Derived Harvesting, Isolation and Re-integration Training Course,” will follow the Global Stem Cells Group First International Symposium on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine at the Santiago InterContinental Hotel Sept. 26, 2014.
Global Stem Cells Group and the Servet CordónVida Stem Cell Bank Clinic of Chile are co-organizing the symposium, designed to initiate a dialogue between researchers and practitioners and share the expertise of some of the world’s leading experts on stem cell research and therapies.
Servet CordónVida is a private umbilical cord blood bank that harvests and stores the hematopoietic-rich blood stem cells found in all newborns’ umbilical cords after birth. The hematopoietic tissue is responsible for the renewal of all components of the blood (hematopoiesis) and has the ability to regenerate bone marrow and restore depressed immune systems.
Umbilical (UCB) stem cells offer a wealth of therapeutic potential because they are up to 10 times more concentrated than bone marrow stem cells. In addition, UCB cells have a generous proliferative capacity with therapeutic potential that is very similar to embryonic stem cells, without the ethical debate associated with embryonic stem cell research and use.
UCB cells are the purest adult stem cells available, coming from newborns who have not been exposed to disease or external damage. Many parents today are utilizing cord banks like Servet CordónVida to store their newborn’s UCB cells safely for future medicinal use if the need arises.
Global Stem Cells Group and Servet CordónVida represent a growing global community of committed stem cell researchers, practitioners and investors whose enthusiasm is a direct result of the hundreds of diseases and injuries that stem cell therapies are curing every day. Global Stem Cell Group’s First International Symposium on Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine will host experts from the U.S., Mexico, Greece, Hong Kong and other regions around the globe who will speak on the future of regenerative medicine and share experiences in their field of specialty. The Global Stem Cells Group is hoping the symposium will open lines of communication and cooperation, explore new and exciting techniques in stem cell therapies, and create an environment of education and learning.